It’s almost 1pm, and I’m off work. I took the PM off to join my parents and sister for a trip to JB. Not exactly a fantastic decision since the kid still has school tomorrow, and furthermore, going to have his Chinese spelling. I did teach him bits and pieces of it but I doubted that it register fully inside his head. We will see how it goes…
Today is the 23rd day of the month and the past weeks had been hectic. My schedule seems to be always packed and even though if there are times where I do have empty slots, I just wasted it away because my brain simply couldn’t function. Am I burnout?
The JY’s FSA happened last week and I was definitely glad to see him again. And though I’ve been helping the people around me to look at their luck for this coming year, it was only yesterday that I took a slightly more detailed look at mine. Alas, the time had come, where my luck pillar had entered DE. It’s nothing serious, honestly. I just need to handle these whatever hollow feelings that I’m feeling right now or starting soon. And honestly, it’s not like I didn’t foresee it, which was the reason why that I’ve tried to start blogging again.
Deck: Tarot of the Velvet Moon
Card: Five of Wands
Change is coming, regardless whether I like it or not. Don’t fight it. It feels more like an internal conflict for myself, where I’m faced with all different choices and priorities. I need to clear my mind and sort this out. Let’s hope for the rest of the day, I’ll have a clearer mind.
It feels so difficult to overcome this. But I also know that it’s quite unlikely when I’m out shopping for the whole afternoon. Glad that I manage to get what I wanted though on the expense of my kid who still had to go to school tomorrow. I can only pray that he won’t create more trouble tomorrow. As for myself, well, my determination doesn’t seem to be great these days, and I’m so hooked onto those short low-cost production Chinese dramas. It just seems so funny somehow. Okay, I know I got to stop this. Though it might fill up my emptiness, it’s probably only for a short while. I need to do something that gives me satisfaction!